Saturday 31st May | 14:00 – 17:00
Welcome to The Improv Lab! Join us at The Bristol Improv Theatre for a weekend afternoon to watch various different groups from the local Bristol improv community. For free!
These groups could be showcasing brand new shows, formats, changes to existing shows or just simply be getting in more practice. You’ll also have a chance to provide valuable feedback and help shape the shows’ futures.
The Improv Lab is hosted in the bar of the Bristol Improv Theatre. The bar will be open so come on in and enjoy a drink with an afternoon of free shows and a Jam.
Doors open at 2pm and the first show will go on at 2.20pm. When arriving, please head straight to the bar and grab a seat. Groups may be warming up at the back of the room before the show and during the interval.
If you have a show that you would like to bring to the lab, or if you’d like to get involved as a cast member, director, photographer or host please email bristolimprovlab@gmail.com or fill in this form with details of the show. To be selected, the majority of the show must involve improvisation.
Tickets are “pay what you decide”, with a suggested donation of £5. Please book your ticket below and use the donation box to decide how much you would like to pay, or book the recommended £5 donation ticket.