
SAve the Bristol Improv Theatre and Secure our Long Term Future

We Did it!

Thanks to the incredible support from our wonderful community, YOU have saved the Bristol Improv Theatre! We have exceed our target of raising £20,000 ensuring that our doors will remain open.

Words aren't enough to say how grateful we are for the immense amount of support we have received over the past 7 weeks. To everyone who has donated, bought a ticket to our events or spread the word of the campaign, thank you.

We're in the process of making changes behind the scenes to ensure we are sustainable in the long term and that our doors can stay open for many years to come. In the meantime, we'll be keeping the fundraiser open for a least another week so please do continue supporting us if you can! Any money we make over the £20,000 target will go towards making our building’s public spaces more accessible, expanding our community work across Bristol and becoming a hub for developing new improvised theatre performances.

Now that we know we're staying open, keep an eye out for more exciting announcements coming soon about our Autumn Season and Christmas!

Due to rising costs alongside a reduction in audience spend amidst the cost of living crisis, the Bristol Improv Theatre is under threat of closure. We need your help now, more than ever to save our theatre and secure its long term future.

We believe that what we do is worth immense value, both to Bristolians and the wider UK improv community. Our work brings connection, creativity and joy to so many people. It would be a truly devastating loss if we were no longer able to provide transformative and life-changing events to people across Bristol and beyond.

Over the past year, we’ve faced a perfect storm of increased running costs alongside a reduction in audience spend. We receive no regular public funding and rely solely on the revenue made from ticket sales, venue hire, and bar sales at shows.

We need to raise at least £20,000 by September to keep our doors open and plan for a sustainable future where we can continue delivering the benefits of improv to even more people. This funding will enable us to plan for the long-term and make necessary changes to make our building fully accessible to everyone who wants to use our space.

We're promoting three key ways that you can support us. These are:

  • Donate to the campaign - any donations, however big or small, will help reach their fundraising goal and help secure our future - enabling us to continue to offer inclusive, welcoming and entertaining shows and classes. You can donate to our crowdfunder directly via the link below. You can also choose to become a regular donor which will help safeguard our work even further into the future. If you are a long time supporter of the theatre and are in a position to give regularly, we would be so grateful if you considered this option. Due to our new charity status, donations are also now eligible for Gift Aid, allowing us to reclaim extra money in tax on donations. 
  • Buy Tickets - Every ticket sale contributes towards the safeguarding of the theatre’s future, enabling us to continue providing high quality entertainment and teaching for years to come. Find out what's on and book via our Upcoming Shows page.
  • Tell a friend - A large amount of people find out about the theatre through word-of-mouth, so please tell your friends about us! Or alternatively, leave a review on Google or Tripadvisor.

If you’ve thought about donating to us before but haven't got round to it; if you've never been to the Bristol Improv Theatre before and always wanted to; or if you’re on the fence about taking a class or coming to a show, now is the time. Make the most of this hidden gem in Bristol.

Become a Regular Donor

By the way, we're now a charity! If you're a UK taxpayer, don't forget to gift-aid your donation to boost it by 25% at no extra cost!